Due to the current situation in Georgia, administration of LTD ,,Orbi777'' decided that our customers will be able to transfer money to our bank account.
In case of customers' desire, they can use:
1. Internet Banking:
Please indicate the contract number and/or name,surname and personal number and an amount of monthly interest you pay.
Bank of Georgia GE80BG0000000849631100 GEL
TBC Bank GE72TB7119536080100001 GEL
2. Terminals:
You must log in to a "Legal Entity Deposit" account, type in the ID code of "Orbi 777": 404908409 and specify the contract number and / or name, surname, personal number and an amount of interest you pay.
In connection with the new regulations of the National Bank of Georgia “On the
Registration of a Credit Institution”, LLC “ORBI 777” had to separate credit services from
other types of activities. The staff of LLC “Orbi 777” established a new organization LLC
“Sinjebi”. LLC “ORBI 777” will provide only credit services to its customers.
LLC "Orbi 777" is a renewed organization of LLC "Orbi", LLC "Orbi" was founded in 1995
as a training and production laboratory at the GTU.
LLC “Orbi 777” provides credit services with a guarantee of precious jewelry and jewelery.
Credit services are engaged in:
Sulkhan Gvelesiani - Director of LLC “Orbi 777”.
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of GTU, with
experience of more than 20 years as an expert;
Khatuna Gachechiladze - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of GTU,
with more than 25 years experience as an expert;
1. Mineralogical Society of Georgia;
2. Georgian Technical University;
3. LLC "Sinjebi".